About Us
For over 15 years Cambridge City Christian Church and its community partners have provided clothing to those in the Western Wayne communities.
Cambridge City Christian Church:
106 W. Church St. Cambridge City, IN 47327
When We Are Open
3rd Saturday Of Each Month – 9-10:30am
Wednesday following the 3rd Saturday – 9-10am & 6-7pm
Clothing can also be provided in 1-time emergencies such as floods or fires. Contact the church to arrange a time.
What We Provide
Clothing of all kinds is provided and tends to be of the type that connects with the current season (winter/summer). Clothing is usually available for all ages.
During certain seasons, special items like coats and shoes can be available.
1. Must live in the Western Wayne area
How You Can Give/Volunteer
- Clothing Donations – We only accept donations that are clothing-related. Please do not donate toys, housewares, etc… Also, when donating clothes, please only give what you would wear yourself. (Clothing more than a decade or so old is often not chosen by those in need of clothing.) Clothing can be dropped off in the church’s Ministry Center each weekday between 8am and 12pm. Please do not leave clothing outside if the office is closed. You can also set up a donation time by calling the church office at (765) 478-5123 or emailing us.
- Volunteering: Help is always needed! Consider the following:
Sorting/Hanging: takes place at various times – contact the number below to find out times
Distribution: on the 3rd Saturday at 9am & the following Wednesday at 9am and 6pm – interact with patrons and help them choose clothing
Contact Us
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Travis Miner (Pastor of Outreach/Worship) by phone (765-478-5123 ext.3#) or email him.